

Behringer is a brand that,under the guidance of company founder Uli Behringer, has been committed to music and technology for over 25 years.

From a "kitchen-table-start up", to one of the largest and most successful pro audio equipment companies in the world, Behringer has become a force in technological development to be reckoned with. In the early days, Behringer focused on studio audio processors as noise reduction systems and compressors - but the product line soon included guitar amplifiers, PA amplifiers, loudspeakers, mixing boards, recording interfaces and more. The appeal of the progressive Behringer range was the combination of performance and features at an affordable price.

The Behringer ethos to provide products for every musician at affordable prices came to be known as 'Double the Features at Half the Price' which has led to the development of a new "Prosumer" market segment around home recording that had not existed before.

Products such as the X32 product family, the newly released Wing and range of Synthesizers have changed the game by delivering results that have consumers rethinking what is possible.


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